DDICM Burgas – XXVII session



Regional administration of Burgas district under the chairmanship of prof. Sevdalina Turmanova, Deputy District Governor of Burgas district held the seventeenth session for work on cases of children of District DI Coordination Mechanism on November 21st, 2018. This time the session was a little bit more different as 21 of the DDICM members and 23 foster mothers from the municipalities of Burgas, Karnobat and Sredets took part in it. This meeting was planned after the Round Table held in June and dedicated to the 21st of November – the Day of the Christian Family – on the initiative of DDICM Bourgas, in partnership with the project “Accept Me” and with the financial support of Zonta Club Burgas.

The moderator of the meeting – Antonia Mezardzhieva – a regional coordinator of HHC- Bulgaria for Burgas region gave the opportunity to the mothers to present themselves and then, separated in 3 groups according to the age of the children, the mothers shared their achievements in raising and educating the children, as well as the emerging needs in the overall care of children in foster families. The issues related to the need for provision of funds for solving medical problems of children, as well as parenting skills training for foster parents were highlighted.

Mrs.Turmanova thanked the members of the DDICM for the care that the foster mothers take, for the difficult and responsible mission they had taken to the public and adopted for themselves and she assured the attendees that this meeting would not be the last one in the future work of the DDICM. For the third consecutive year she announced the donation campaign entitled “Christmas tree of the Good”, as besides food and clothes for children and families this year, we will be firstly expecting milk and baby food and diapers.

The meeting ended off with a celebration cocktail funded by Zonta Club Bourgas and the mothers expressed their satisfaction with the acknowledged attention and acknowledgment of their care and efforts for the children placed in the foster families.

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