When you support families, being in crisis situation and this threaten children to be separated from their families we try to mobilize resources to overcome the problem. Working with partners, we set network of supporters, who to be pillar to the children and their close relatives. Clear assessment that we make of the sphere of development of children, living conditions, focusing on the achievements, gives good results and confidence in the communities.
During the last months our partner is LIDL Bulgaria. With its donations were supported 200 children in 92 families in the 13 regions of the country. Every support is given after the careful analysis of the children’s needs and with the respect to their parents. In order to be much more effective and responsible we gave part of the donations to the Foundation „Hope for the little ones“ -Sofia, „Parallel world“ Association – Plovdiv and „Equilibrium“ Association – Ruse.
We express our thanks to Lidl for their way, power and means to support children. They support them to stay in family environment and to grow up, surrounded by parents’ love. We continue to work for this that no one child should suffer from the harms of the institutional care.