On 17th of January 2024 the 24th meeting of the District DI Coordination Mechanism was held in the Burgas Regional Administration. Eleven members of the District DI Coordination Mechanism (DDICM) were present – representatives of the Regional Social assistance Directorate, Social assistance directorate, Child protection department, the Burgas Municipal Administration, the “Accept Me” project, the Director of the Center for Complex Services for Children with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases (CCSCDCD).
Mrs. Meserdzhieva, Regional Coordinator of Hope and homes for children – Bulgaria (HHC) for Burgas district introduced the new DDICM chairman – Mr. Plamen Yanev – Regional Governor of Burgas district. He welcomed the participants and expressed his gratitude for the active participation of all the organizations, companies and citizens in the “Christmas Tree of the Goodness” campaign, which is being held for the eighth year. He declared his readiness to continue the active work of the DDICM in terms of prevention of child abandonment and work and strengthening of the family as the only alternative for raising children.
Dr. Pepa Ralcheva – Director of the CCSCDCD “St. Stelyan|” told about a case of a 5-year-old girl. The child has multiple disabilities, as a special medical care is provided regarding her disabilities, but it is not possible to provide adequate medical care for some of the prescriptions in Burgas. Together with the CPD Burgas they have made attempts to accommodate the child but they have gotten rejected. After the statements of Ms. Chochorova – CPD Burgas, Ms. Konkyova – SAD Burgas and Mrs. Meserdzhieva, the members of the DDICM decided to hold discussions to place the child in a Family type placement center with PMC (permanent medical care). The most suitable city is Plovdiv and conversations are about to take place and then the girl will be taken out.
At the end of the meeting Dr. Pepa Ralcheva told about the services provided at the CCSCDCD “St. Stelyan” which has an in-patient ward and a swimming pool, and many services that can be used by foster families who raise children with disabilities. Here are the activities they carry out:
- Medical and diagnostic activities
- Rehabilitation
- Physical therapy
- Speech therapy
- Psychological activity
- Pedagogical services
- Ergo therapy
- Activities with parents
The information turned out to be important for the participants, including the coordinator of the “Accept Me” project, within the campaigns in the municipalities for recruiting foster families to raise children with disabilities.