Strength for the others


Time just stopped as the gravel began to creak under our shoes, a simple door opened and we sank into the smile of a nearly eighty-year-old woman. Her arms reached out to us for a hug, but she quickly backed away because of the security measures for the COVID-19 pandemic. When you look at these hands in front of you, a man can see a whole life story of a difficult life written, each line on these hands represents a year of joy and care. She showed with her palms pointing to the ground how small her daughter was, and somehow the story of the mother’s pride was uneasily crushed shortly after the birth of her second grandchild. The tears in the woman’s eyes are for her grandchildren, whom she raises on her own and only relies on friends’ help and organizations such as Hope and homes for children – Bulgaria. But her friends given their age are coming to the end of their life journey one by one. One dies not only of hunger and thirst, but also of sorrow, of betrayal, or as soon as the love is gone. This is how she describes the situation with her daughter who comes to see her two children once a year. “The mother’s love is gone” – the children love their grandmother more as she gives them the most valuable lessons – to ask their soul where it wants to take them to and let it lead them there. The two children, a boy and a girl, are cuddling in her lap and she is running her fingers through their hair, as if she wants to bury her grief.

This woman worries about her grandchildren and is dreaming of seeing them grow up before her soul drifts into the non-existence. “What will happen to these children if I get coronavirus? I want them to grow up with people they know! They do know you best. Will you take care of them if something happens to me? ”

Her hands seemed to hold all the power of the world in her fist, but they let it be there for others, so others can take it and carry.

Now, with the joint initiative with CEZ “Together we can do everything” this family will not have to pay electricity bills until December, which will give them the opportunity to feel support in these difficult times. Our team and CEZ are considering replacing the old electric stove.

When a man sees people who work hard to make their children’s dream come true, when a man finds more and more people who think alike as CEZ does, you cannot help getting excited!

This eyes full of tears of gratitude seem to chase away the clouds of bad thoughts and then you begin to believe in people and in the Good!

Now I am sure that this little boy’s dream of having a scooter will come true and we will pray for the good health of the family.

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