On November 19, the Child Participation Program met to discuss the very important topic of the European Child Guarantee. This excites us because many of our peers are threatened by poverty, lack of family and little prospects for development.
The action plan in implementation of the Recommendation of the Council for the establishment of the European Child Guarantee (2030) was adopted and approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. We talked about rights, what we would say to the Government about the Child Guarantee, how we communicate at school, how we include children with disabilities, all serious things.

Our goal was to find our place in society and learn to take on social commitments. We always enjoy getting together and have drawn up a strategy on how to attract more like-minded people to our Program so that we can further promote children’s participation in the work with children and youth at risk and placed in residential services. Of course, an important topic was the upcoming meeting of the “Our Voices Matter” group with children and youth from Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Nepal, India, Rwanda, South Africa. We enjoy communicating on the same topics with children from