On the 11th of April, 2019 a training of the members of the District DI Coordination Mechanism (DDICM) was held at the district administration in Veliko Tarnovo, organized by HHC – Bulgaria. The participants were 14 professionals, representatives of the municipalities in Veliko Tarnovo district, the Regional Social Assistance Directorate, the Child Protection Departments in the area, the foster care team of the “Accept me” project, the Public Support Center and non-governmental organizations.
The training was opened by the Regional governor, prof. Lubomira Popova, who welcomed the initiative and congratulated the participants.
The theme of the training: “Working with Parents at Risk of Abandonment” was presented by Elena Petkova, National Expert on Children’s Policies to Hope and Homes for Children – Bulgaria. The purpose of the training module was to raise the awareness and to improve the effectiveness of the system in terms of childcare and family care, ensuring the right of children to be raised in a family environment, providing quality and timely care and social services according to their individual needs.
The model for active support of the families of HHC – Bulgaria was presented and the multi-institutional approach for coordination between all the institutions involved at national, regional and municipal level in solving specific cases.
All participants in the training shared the idea that teamwork, the timely exchange of information, mutual assistance are the only true way to improve the coordination between all partners in the territory of Veliko Tarnovo region involved in the process of deinstitutionalization of childcare and termination of the placement of children in specialized institutions.